Monday, July 7, 2008


I've never blogged before!

Firstly, can I just say thank you very much for coming to visit my blog! I appreciate it! I hope that over the next few months, this space would be a place where you can read about what I'm up to in the sunny spot of Darwin!

Yes, the date of departure is 2 days away, and yes I am excited, scared, enthusiastic, apprehensive and just about any other emotion that you can think of! For those of you who may not know what I'm heading off to do, I'll be spending the next 5 and a half months in a school called Kormilda College, which is 16km out of Darwin, working as a volunteer with the Indigenous students.

Why am I going? Well sometimes I ask myself the same question-I think I'm a little bit mad actually! I've got no idea where this is going to take me in life, but I'm really excited about trying to work it out and I'm sure I'll learn more along the way as I go! I'm just praying that I'm going in the right direction!

I hope you'll comment heaps while I'm away, it'll make me feel closer to home! I've decided that I won't actually be that far from home, as technology will enable me to communicate with you all at ease! I look forward to hearing from you!

Who will have the honour of holding the title of the first commenter on my blog??? I have my suspicions about who it will be!