And now for some more photos...

Dylan, after he stole my glasses! The Indigenous kids LOVED to take our sunnies, hats, and cameras and take millions of photos of themselves! My camera kept on getting filled to capacity with photos, and I had to keep on deleting stuff so that I could take more. About half of the photos that i had on my camera were slef potraits from Stevo and Dylan!

The gorge again!

Glenda and Anthony! Such awesome campers! Glenda was from another group that stayed with us for a little while. She is one of the few Indigenous students at Kormilda who takes classes with the mainstream, whereas most Indigenous students are placed in seperate classes to give them an extra help.

Anthony and I (note Anthony's wonderful bunny ears!) He thought that it was hilarious to give me bunny ears whenever we took photos, but what he didn't realise was that I was getting my revenge!!! mwahahaa!

Ok, now Stevo is one of those guys that never acts surprised or happy or sad. he's pretty calm most of the time. So I spent the entire day trying to get him to make faces for the camera-we had surprised faces, angry faces (which actually look quite scary!!), happy faces and thoughtful faces. This, in case you're wondering, is our thoughtful face. It's quite similar to surprised and happy faces. Good times!

This is one of the magical water holes that we swam in. The whole place was so beautiful and perfect! I actually felt like I was intruding just by being there. It was so isolated and clearly untouched by humans, and so it felt like we were trespassing somewhere forbidden. It gave me a slightly uncomfortable feeling, but at the same time it was deeply peaceful and serene.

This is the bank of the river where we were camping. A few of the campers spotted small fresh water crocs in these waters, but apart from that this was my main source of getting clean. And boy did i need it!!
Tomorrow I think I'll tell you about some of the Dreamtime dancing that the three boys did for our group around the fire one night! I hope you liked the photos!